Blackberry Facebook App Freeware
Blackberry Facebook 1.6

Facebook 1.6 is finally out! I've been waiting for this app for long time and I'm happy to say it was worth it. I'm so relieved they got over 1.5 and did something cool with their app like being able to write on the wall and getting it more integrated with the Blackberry environment. The strength of the Blackberry has always been their push technology, making a software that takes advantage of this is the right way to go.
Facebook 1.6 really feels solid and very stable on my Blackberry Bold and Curve. The notifications you get directly in your home screen is just great. New features like being able to see comments people made with your friends status updates is really handy and enables you to participate in the discussion faster that opening up facebook in your PC. Facebook 1.6 is a great addition to your phone, its around 800k but its worth the download.
Download Facebook 1.6 OTA:
Facebook 1.6 is finally out! I've been waiting for this app for long time and I'm happy to say it was worth it. I'm so relieved they got over 1.5 and did something cool with their app like being able to write on the wall and getting it more integrated with the Blackberry environment. The strength of the Blackberry has always been their push technology, making a software that takes advantage of this is the right way to go.
Facebook 1.6 really feels solid and very stable on my Blackberry Bold and Curve. The notifications you get directly in your home screen is just great. New features like being able to see comments people made with your friends status updates is really handy and enables you to participate in the discussion faster that opening up facebook in your PC. Facebook 1.6 is a great addition to your phone, its around 800k but its worth the download.
Download Facebook 1.6 OTA:
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