BlackBerry excited market probably has not been making Smart (one of the vendors in Indonesia) to provide a CDMA BlackBerry.
"For the BlackBerry, has not. Meanwhile, we still want to mengedukasi customer service data with the Smart," said Charles Sitorus, Chief Sales Officer of Smart Telecom, some time ago.
According to Charles, the use of the BlackBerry community was still not optimal. Meanwhile, said Charles, BlackBerry only alternative entertainment to be cheaper, for facebook's, Yahoo Messenger, and Internet browsing.
"Characteristics of users tend to consumerism, the BB just to complete the elements of lifestyle, gayaan-style," said Charles.
According to Charles, his side have not yet calculated how big the market BlackBerry CDMA. "we do not know. Please do the analysis first. What is needed or not the market? Sustain or not in the long term? If not, what make?" said Charles.
According to Charles predicted, akan booming BlackBerry does not survive until the next three years. Pasti akan pop other players who can compete with the BlackBerry, with a service that is not less complete and interesting.
Moreover, Charles added, after the presence of WiMAX in Indonesia. "The availability of the wide access to data. When the WiMAX network is ready, people will find the handset Featured more complete, there is Wi-Fi features, and much better rather than BB. (Source: Vivanews)
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