Blackberry Freeware - Free Software
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Posted by Skeith
in Wednesday, July 22, 2009

BBtrandownload link: BBtran transla...
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Posted by Skeith

Navita translator is a free five language translator for your Blackberry. Its similar to bbtrans also made with a very simple interface. I don't know what translation engine they are using but it seems to be okay and fast enough. My officemate claims the German translation works well and is usable. I do wish the Spanish translation could have been better but Navita does work fast enough to help you...
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Posted by Skeith

Blackberry BMI CalculatorOnce in a while,we tend to forget how much we should eat. So its common to gain some pounds or even loose some pounds if we're not eating properly. Its always safe to keep things in balance and to stick to a healthy weight level. To make things easier doctors and health care institutions created a standard for the ideal weight range....
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Posted by Skeith

QSMSQSMS a very nice utility created by berry coder that enables you to assign a convinience key to compose text messages or sms. Just in case your not using your phone's convinience keys, they are the special buttons on the side of your Blackberry that you can assign as quick luanch keys for installed applications. Using QSMS you can also assign the letter Q...
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