Blackberry Freeware - Free Software
Dedicated to Free Blackberry Software.
Posted by Skeith
in Friday, July 24, 2009

Metro Maps for the Blackberry Find you way through complicated metro in major cities. The developer is currently giving away 3 metro city maps from major cities. I'm sure more maps will be available as his work progresses with the development of the software. The software works great with my blackberry, so far I was able to test out the New York Metro Map. It came really handy when...
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Posted by Skeith

ShortCut ToolsThis small software allows you to launch your own homepage in your Blackberry. Creating a local homepage design by you allows you to sellect your favorite Blackberry friendly website.This eliminates the user from haveing to launch the Blackberry browserand still having to click on the bookmarks.Updated link bellowdownload: Blackberry ShortCut To...
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