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Posted by Skeith
in Friday, March 19, 2010

We mentioned GMTaskSync back when it was in public beta but the developer let us know that they have made some improvements now that it is out of beta. GMTaskSync simply synchronizes your BlackBerry tasks with your Google tasks wirelessly.
Now that GMTaskSync is out of beta the application can sync your tasks to either Gmail or your Google Apps account. The sync is two ways and looks very similar...
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Posted by Skeith

There has been much speculation over what OS 6.0 could possibly look like. We were recently hit with these images of what appear to be of a device running OS 6.0 with a similar screen resolution of a storm or storm2. These spy shot images come highly regarded as real from one our best connects. We're hoping to see it soon on a physical device (maybe the slider?) and so until then take from it what...
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Posted by Skeith

YouVersion - Blackberry Bible Reader
YouVersion is an online bible community where people can collaborate and share with other members. They recently created a reader for the Blackberry for their users. I have to say this is one of the best readers anyone has created for the Blackberry. It's light, simple and even has a community sections where you can read people's contribution.
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Posted by Skeith

The New And High Converting System From Adam Horwitz That Teaches The Complete Newbie How To Make An Absolute Killing With Affiliate Marketing Through Cell Phones. This Is A Must See! This progam is awosome, you can use your BB to make money for further information
Click He...
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Posted by Skeith

Dipdive is a social network created by that began as a place to host the video “Yes We Can” and has expanded to be somewhat like MySpace. The social network looks as though it has a ton of funding from RIM, as videos on the site constantly feature people talking and using BlackBerrys, and the homepage advertises the Black Eyed Peas concert sponsored by BlackBerry.
I thought I would...
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Posted by Skeith

Tumblr finally have their official BlackBerry app available for download and so far it looks really good. The app looks a lot like the iPhone version and includes all the features you would want out of a Tumblr app including video. I personally really enjoy Tumblr for quick posting links and featuring media, and a lot of companies use it for their company blog.
Download the Tumblr app O...
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Posted by Skeith

I'm still waiting for a true VOIP service that works with the Blackberry, I was hoping Vonage would come out with a true VOIP app that would work over WIFI. Altough Vonage does not do this, its hard to deny having a Vonage app in your Blackberry is a great option. Using Vonage you can take advantage of low international calling rates and even use a pay as you go...
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Posted by Skeith

I'm still waiting for a true VOIP service that works with the Blackberry, I was hoping Vonage would come out with a true VOIP app that would work over WIFI. Altough Vonage does not do this, its hard to deny having a Vonage app in your Blackberry is a great option. Using Vonage you can take advantage of low international calling rates and even use a pay as you go...
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