Blackberry Freeware - Free Software
Dedicated to Free Blackberry Software.
Posted by Skeith
in Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SpinPen Let SpinPen bring out the artist in you! Do you love to draw or maybe you just like to doodle? SpinPen is a unique new drawing tool that takes advantage the Thumbwheel on your BlackBerry to draw with. Point the pen in the direction you want to draw and move the pen to draw a line - it's that easy! You have the choice of drawing in point mode or...
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Posted by Skeith
in Saturday, July 25, 2009

It looks like Agito has pulled off what they promised back in June. Their new mobility router now works with the Bold, 8820, 8320, and 8900 Curve to let companies enable VOIP over Wi-Fi on their internal networks. I am dying to know how they pulled this off since last time I checked no third party app could record voice and playback audio at the same time… They claim that they have sub 100 millisecond...
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Posted by Skeith

Everyhourdownload link: EveryhourDownload OTA: Everyhour for the BlackberryMyAlarmCreate 6 different alarms using mp3 and midi files you have in your phone.Features:- Six more alarms.- Choose which day it will beep.- Snooze 1, 5 and 10 minutes.- Optionally enter random code to turn off the alarm.- Monophonic tone, midi and mp3 support.- Customizable Layout.Publisher: MyAlarm WebsiteDownload:...
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Posted by Skeith
in Friday, July 24, 2009

Metro Maps for the Blackberry Find you way through complicated metro in major cities. The developer is currently giving away 3 metro city maps from major cities. I'm sure more maps will be available as his work progresses with the development of the software. The software works great with my blackberry, so far I was able to test out the New York Metro Map. It came really handy when...
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Posted by Skeith

ShortCut ToolsThis small software allows you to launch your own homepage in your Blackberry. Creating a local homepage design by you allows you to sellect your favorite Blackberry friendly website.This eliminates the user from haveing to launch the Blackberry browserand still having to click on the bookmarks.Updated link bellowdownload: Blackberry ShortCut To...
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Posted by Skeith
in Thursday, July 23, 2009

MobiPocket ReaderNote you must install Mobipocket Reader 5 for Windowsinorder to use it on the : Mobipocket Windows ( Blackberry ) ...
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Posted by Skeith
in Wednesday, July 22, 2009

BBtrandownload link: BBtran transla...
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Posted by Skeith

Navita translator is a free five language translator for your Blackberry. Its similar to bbtrans also made with a very simple interface. I don't know what translation engine they are using but it seems to be okay and fast enough. My officemate claims the German translation works well and is usable. I do wish the Spanish translation could have been better but Navita does work fast enough to help you...
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Posted by Skeith

Blackberry BMI CalculatorOnce in a while,we tend to forget how much we should eat. So its common to gain some pounds or even loose some pounds if we're not eating properly. Its always safe to keep things in balance and to stick to a healthy weight level. To make things easier doctors and health care institutions created a standard for the ideal weight range....
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Posted by Skeith

QSMSQSMS a very nice utility created by berry coder that enables you to assign a convinience key to compose text messages or sms. Just in case your not using your phone's convinience keys, they are the special buttons on the side of your Blackberry that you can assign as quick luanch keys for installed applications. Using QSMS you can also assign the letter Q...
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Posted by Skeith
in Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Upgrade OS 4.5 ( Use Internet Explorer ): linkNote: how to enable HTML email messaging.I needed to Resend the service books to my Blackberry to enable HTML emails, here's the instructions to enable it: link ...
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Posted by Skeith

download: live search mobile Blackbe...
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Posted by Skeith

Google Maps ( New update: version Version 2.1.0 )I'm always lost when it comes to working a GPS guidance system, to those who just want a simple map system would be the best. An answer to my prayer cam when google finally released Google Maps and Local for the Blackberry.It currently does not work for all blackberry models but only the lastest ones. It works for 5 blackberry models and they're working...
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Posted by Skeith
in Monday, July 20, 2009

Flycast FM - Streaming RadioDownload Flycast OTA:
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Posted by Skeith
in Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pac-man Clone for the Blackberrydeveloper: BennyChowdownload: Pac-mandownload: Pac-man ( older blackberry phones...
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Posted by Skeith

Blackberry Minutesaverdownload OTA: Minutesaver Blackberrydeveloper: Minutesaver ...
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Posted by Skeith
in Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wordpress Blogging Appdownload Wordpress for the Blackberry OTA: ...
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Posted by Skeith
in Friday, July 17, 2009

Pandora - Blackberry AppInstalling the software is fast and the sound quality is good. I love the fact you can use your wifi connection instead of your wireless carrier. Pandora for the Blackberry is quick, small and doen't seem to slow down my phone. It currently does not support the Storm but that should change soon.Download Pandora for the Blackberry - Pandora Mob...
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Posted by Skeith

One company that stood out is called Posterous. Their services enables you to update your twitter account by simply sending them an email to update twitter. You can just write your post on the subject line of your email and that's it. Posterous even shortens the links in your post. Using posterous you never have to install any clients or have to browse their mobile version that takes time to load....
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Posted by Skeith
in Wednesday, July 15, 2009

xPlayerIs a free media player which I wanted to post for a long time, but waited until it was out of beta. Now I've been using xPlayer for a few months and I think its a great media player everyone should have in their Blackberry. Not only does it play the usual audio files but plays video files in full screen. I've converted some videos to my blackberry's screen size and it looks...
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Posted by Skeith

Stock ViewerTrack your stock on your Blackberry. This software displays real time stock quotes ( NYSE and NASDAQ ) plus you can bookmark your favorite stocks for easy access.Features1. Access the quotes in real time (9:30 - 17:00 EST)2. Ask/Bid price of a stock3. Much less wireless trafficDownload: LinkOver the Air: L...
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Posted by Skeith

Blackberry Multimedia Freeware Jive Slide - Online Picture ViewerSupported DevicesBlackBerry: 8700r, 8700c, 7100g, 7100i, 7100r, 7100t, 7105t, 7730, 7750,7780, 7520, 7290, 7250, 7230, 7280* Requires activation of Wireless Internetdownload: Jive Slide ...
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Posted by Skeith

MiniSafe Desktop - Your Electronic Wallet - Free SoftwareFeatures:Securing your information by AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).Advanced filtering.Customizable table columns and sorting field.User defined types and categoriesCustomizable password generator.Mask/unmask security sensitive information.Selectable icons.Inactivity logout.Click-able URL links.Copy field(s) to clipboard.Import CSV, eWallet...
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Posted by Skeith

Keepass for the BlackberryKeepass is an open source password manager that runs in windows and also several mobile devices. I'm happy to say Blackberry is one of them. Keepass uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) this is the standard of encryption chosen by the American National Institute of Standards and Technology ( Government Agency). It currently use 128bit encryption, which I is sufficient...
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Posted by Skeith

Secure your data with these free Blackberry Security Freeware.Keepass for the BlackberryKeepass is an open source password manager that runs in windows and also several mobile devices. I'm happy to say Blackberry is one of them. Keepass uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) this is the standard of encryption chosen by the American National Institute of Standards and Technology ( Government Agency)....
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Posted by Skeith

Geo Tip - Tip and Bill CalculatorDownload: Geo...
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Posted by Skeith

Document File Viewer Documents to GoDocuments to Go is a suit of software which contains a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation and PDF viewer. You won't be able the get these software unless you buy them. But on the bright side dataviz offers a free version of documents to go bundled in the Blackberry OS 4.5. The free version if you don't already...
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Posted by Skeith

gFlash got-2 · A simple way to manage all that you’ve got to do · All your near-term tasks and appointments are on one easy to read screen · Get location based alerts when you're near a task location - saves you time, gas, and a little sanity - never backtrack again!...
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Posted by Skeith

One of Sid Meier's most popular games, Civilization, is back with a mobile blackberry game version, you will just love this game and spend hours and hours of extra time with your blackberry once you start playing…. This version should work with at least Blackberry OS 4.2Download here ...
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Posted by Skeith

this bubblepopper based on puzzle bobble is one of these free blackberry games which you never get bored off, just shoot the bubbles from the sky and start beeting your previous record! Blackberry game fun ensured!
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Posted by Skeith

Blackberry Shopping Application Freeware Amazon Shopping ApplicationCurrently available for BlackBerry smartphones with a trackball or touch screen.Buy millions of products wherever you go.Access your existing Amazon account, cart, wish lists, payment and shipping settings, order history, 1-Click, and Prime benefits.Snap a photo from your BlackBerry and...
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Posted by Skeith

Blackberry Application Loader Freeware Blackberry App WorldIts finally here! Blackberry just release Blackberry App World. You can now easily install applications or software straight from your Blackberry phone. This includes purchasing paid applications from your phone and some free ones. All payments are processed by Paypal, which I think is very smart...
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Posted by Skeith

Blackberry Facebook App Freeware Blackberry Facebook 1.6Facebook 1.6 is finally out! I've been waiting for this app for long time and I'm happy to say it was worth it. I'm so relieved they got over 1.5 and did something cool with their app like being able to write on the wall and getting it more integrated with the Blackberry environment. The strength...
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