BlackBerry can be like a knife cutting edge ganda. On the one hand, productivity was very helpful, but on the other hand can also vice versa. With a variety of potential negative impact of a BlackBerry, so tips and trick that should be given priority is how to use this device is wise.
Dimitri Mahayana, Chief of Research Telematika Sharing Vision, the effect is very negative potential if considering the population that is familiar with the internet in Indonesia is estimated to reach 100 million people later.
Sharing the Vision survey, 101 respondents in Jakarta and Bandung ago April 2008 showed 38% respoden in the two cities is the Internet access service from ponselnya respectively.
"When people see the mobility of a more high, then the internet phone is indeed very potential. Therefore, it is important to consider the ethical use of since the beginning not to kontraproduktif," so he said as quoted detikINET, Friday (24/4/2009).
Well, so do not get stuck in a negative stigma, there are some good tips and trick about practical ethics pro-ala BlackBerry Dimitri we see this:
a. Do not use a BlackBerry during breakfast or dinner with the family
b. Do not use the BlackBerry in the car (even if dismissal is in red light), cross over the road, or any activity that requires high concentration.
c. Biasakan Do not start the day with your BlackBerry. You better relax with family, before later addicted.
d. Do not hide in the use of a BlackBerry habit in the family. If you feel someone will be angry with the habit, the habit is a sign you have been wrong.
e. Tegaskan the same time, it was not allowed to access the BlackBerry for example, when children attend activities at the school, the time a fairytale for children, dst.
f. Slowly, to inform colleagues and acquaintances that you begin certain hours outside office hours, the phone will be turned off to relax with family.
g. When the house, do the rituals that draw away from such a climate of DVD watching, music in temaram light candles, so that the work load on the BlackBerry forgotten.
This article also terangkum slick in the book "BlackBerry for Everyone" works of Muhammad Sufyan, a telecommunications-based journalists in Bandung.
(Source: Detiknet)